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We really like these! These Sheffield Steel razor blades were used by SOE operatives, British Army and downed allied airmen as compasses. There were many different brands - this one being manufactured by the famous All British brand . The perfectly useable razor blades would act as a compass when placed on water, with the crow’s feet pointing to magnetic north. We have created a specially produced glossy bookplate to display this great item in your favourite book. The paper wrapper has been carefully mounted to show the amazing graphics and the wax wrapper has been mounted underneath to hold the blade safely. The blade can be removed for display if required. We have also shown one of the bookplates placed into out copy of The Great Escape (not included) to give an idea of size. There is a small amount of corrosion on the blade which could be carefully removed with fine wire wool. This is a stunning item guaranteed to enhance any book ( or print).

WW2 Escape Compass Razor Mounted On A Specially Produced Glossy Bookplate

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