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This is an original pencil drawing with white highlights on sepia recycled card by Steve Teasdale. Underneath the drawing is mounted the genuine signature of HR Allen. The bookplate measures approx 20x13cm and is ideal for placing in Fighter Squadron or one of the other books on the Battle of Britain written by Dizzy Allen.

Hubert Allen joined 66 Squadron at Duxford on 13th April 1940. He and two other pilots shared in damaging a Ju88 on 19th June. On 30th August Allen shared in destroying a Do17, on 9th September he shared a He111, on the 15th he shot down a He111 and damaged a Do17, on the 18th he destroyed a Me109 and probably one on the 30th.

In October Allen was appointed 'B' Flight Commander. On the 11th he got a probable Me109 and on 14th November he destroyed a Ju87 and damaged another. Over Edenbridge on the 28th, in Spitfire P7492, Allen collided with Sgt. Willcocks in P7491. Allen baled out and landed safely but Willcocks was killed.

On 11th December Allen destroyed a Me109. He was wounded in the right arm on 14th February 1941 after being jumped by Me109s. He crashed at Biggin Hill.

Allen shot down a Me109 and shared another on 20th June and on 20th August he shared in the probable destruction of a Me109 off the Dutch coast.

After being awarded the DFC (gazetted 22nd July 1941), Allen was promoted to Acting Squadron Leader in October 1941 and given command of 66 Squadron. He was posted away in December 1941 to 286 Squadron, which carried out anti-aircraft co-operation duties.

Rare Battle of Britain HR ‘Dizzy’ Allen Signed Original Drawing Bookplate

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