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This is a specially produced bookplate with an original pencil drawing with white highlights on recycled sepia card by Steve Teasdale. The portrait of John Peters features his genuine signature professionally mounted underneath. On his first mission during Operation Desert Storm, aged 29, an ultra-low level daylight mission on Ar Rumaylah Southwest Air Base, while acting as number two to Squadron Leader Paul "Pablo" Mason, his Panavia Tornado GR.1' of XV Squadron was hit at fifty feet by a shoulder-launched SAM SA-14, and he and his navigator (John Nichol) were captured by the military of Iraq. After capture he was shown, bruised and beaten, on television.

This bookplate would fit most books on the Gulf War and especially Tornado Down, the story of his flight and capture in Iraq.

Gulf War Tornado Pilot POW John Peters Signed Original Drawing Bookplate

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