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This 1990 edition of what many call the definitive book on the Battle Of Britain is in superb condition. It is a special copy signed at the RAF Museum in 1990 and is numbered no33 of only 100. It contains a bookplate signed by 10 B.O.B veterans plus the author. The veterans are: Barthropp, Barwell, Cox, Gillam, Gleave, Havercroft, Hughes, Kingcombe, Leathart and Smallwood. This copy has been enhanced even further with two large original pencil drawings by Steve Teasdale. The first, a portrait of Sir Hugh Dowding, has been signed by Battle of Britain veterans Pickering, Gregory, Clark, Green and Iveson. The other, drawn directly onto the back fly leaf is of B.O.B veteran Tom Neil and features his original pencil signature mounted underneath the portrait. A highly collectable copy of this truly incredible book, which gives a day to day account of the Battle.

Battle Over Britain Special Multi-Signed & Double Remarqued Copy

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