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At Battle of Britain Books, it’s our goal to bring you one of the largest selections of top quality signed aviation related books, original artwork and prints on the market. We’re always here to help our customers, providing a wealth of knowledge about our items and offering a friendly service second to none. If you do not find what you want please do not hesitate to contact us - if we haven't got it, we may know someone who has. Please click on our Product Gallery or browse products to see our current items. Enjoy browsing

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​ With the increase in the current cost of living we understand that it may be more difficult to purchase items. As collectors ourselves we also understand the importance of continuing to enjoy our passion for collecting all things linked to WW2 aviation. That's why we are happy to continue offering our interest free payment plan service in order to spread the costs over a few months. Don't lose out on an item you have been searching for, just send us a message and a small deposit to secure any item.  Struggling to choose an item for someone else? We are delighted to be able to offer a new E-Gift Card service. There are various denominations to choose from and they are redeemable at the checkout. They do not have an expiry date also, which makes them ideal for that person who can't quite make their mind up straightaway! The code is simply entered into the cart when a choice is made and any balance can be added to in the usual methods of payment.​Please note: Due to a huge increase in international shipping costs we have had no option but to increase our flat rate to £25. This covers any number of products and will still often be less than the true cost. If, however, shipping costs are less than that amount we will refund you any difference.

D-Day Anniversary



Do you have a favourite signed book which could be enhanced by an original remarqued drawing to make your book truly unique? Contact us for a quote - prices start at only £50.

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Welcome to Battle of Britain Books, where you will find a selection of rare and collectable signed aviation books and prints. Here you will find multi signed aviation art work by the top artists such as Robert Taylor, Richard Taylor, Nicolas Trudgian and many others. You will also find examples of artwork from top aviation portrait artist Steve Teasdale. Our extensive range of signed aviation books is constantly updated and is too large to include every item on the website. We regularly have in stock signed Battle of Britain, Dambuster, Great Escape & Band of Brothers related items. Postage is free within the UK. Overseas buyers are charged a flat rate for items in most instances but please contact us if you wish to discuss this further. As collectors ourselves we understand that it is not always easy to purchase the item you would really like to have. That is why we offer interest free monthly payment plans to help you spread the cost.  We will be continuing to add items over the coming months. Please contact us for 'wants' and updates.




07960 172692

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